
Transforming your hardware and software

As the new year begins and our warm sunny days continue, for many of us the holidays and our New year’s resolutions are becoming more difficult to keep up. Rather than spend another blog talking about New Year’s resolutions, I thought I would write from another angle – and talk about two aspects to our [...]

By |2023-02-10T16:29:11+11:00January 16th, 2023|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Transforming your hardware and software

Your Brain Has a Delete Function – Here’s How to Use It

Here's a great quote from an article about your brain, sleep, learning and focus. "Thinking with a sleep-deprived brain is like hacking your way through a dense jungle with a machete. Its overgrown, slow going, exhausting." Sleep gives your brain the best chance to build the strong synaptic connections that help you learn. Read the [...]

By |2019-12-16T07:46:44+11:00December 16th, 2019|Articles, news and updates|0 Comments
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